We want to show our solidarity with the Kiwi school students who are leading New Zealand’s contribution to the Global Climate Strike. And we’re encouraging our Wellington clients, customers, suppliers and friends to join us.
The Wellington school strikers are assembling in Civic Square at 11am on Friday 27 September, and Springloaders will join them there. At about 11:50am, we’ll all march along Lambton Quay to Parliament.
You’re welcome to assemble with us at Civic Square or to join us along the way, whichever suits you best.
While we take part in the strike, Springload’s office will be closed from 11am to 2pm.
School children sounding the alarm
Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg’s lone climate protest outside the Swedish Parliament last year caught the world’s attention. Her message of sounding the alarm on the urgency of the climate crisis — and holding politicians to account for their lack of action — has spread to millions of school children around the world.
School strikers in New Zealand have invited adults to walk out in solidarity with them on Friday 27th to demand climate justice for everyone.
Businesses demanding action
School kids may be leading the way, but Springload is proud to be part of the growing number of businesses around the world who are speaking out too — we’re demanding that our politicians take significant and meaningful action now against climate change.
As a society, we already have almost everything we need to tackle this crisis head on. We have the technology, we have the skills, and we have the motivation.
But now we need the New Zealand Government to take the lead and invest in a new economy that encourages a positive, low-carbon future.
We need an economy that is regenerative and sustainable, encouraging positive change and limiting the harmful behaviours that are destroying our collective future. There’s no time to waste!
Making change for good
Springload is taking this stand, along with Kiwi kids and many other businesses, as part of our commitment to making the world a better place.
At Springload we’re driven by the greater good. In line with our company’s beliefs and values, we believe in a world where business and a sustainable future go hand in hand.
By making a positive contribution to the world, we believe we can lead others to make changes for good.
Join us to show solidarity
We hope you’ll join us on the climate strike march on Friday 27 September to show your solidarity with the striking students.
Our children are showing us the way — it’s up to us as adults to listen to their very real concerns, and to show we support them in demanding our politicians take action on the climate crisis before it’s too late.
Find out more
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Let’s make the things that matter, better.
Email: hello@springload.co.nz
Phone: +64 4 801 8205