Liam’s on the frontline of our front-end development team. He’s passionate about improving code, fixing the things that are broken, and finding solutions to tricky problems. He does this by working wonders with HTML and JavaScript, and coding CSS that sings.
Before finding his way to Springload, Liam was a user interface generalist (in other words, a UX designer who can code). He did a lot of front-end and UI work as well as wireframing, user research, and user testing. He found he enjoyed coding more than the UX/design aspects of the job. He freelanced while developing some of his own projects, including an app for cataloguing his vinyl record collection.
In addition to his command of code, Liam plays interclub table tennis and is New Zealand’s reigning champion of hacky sack (seriously). He’s also a keen collector of vinyl records, and you can sometimes find him DJ-ing around Pōneke.
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